Walks starting from Cleobury Mortimer
Click on picture to open walk leaflet
(Distance indications are for shorter or longer versions of the walk)


Our walk leaflets help walkers to explore this countryside.
Some leaflets include a short and long option.
Printed leaflets on good quality water resistant paper are also available in sets of 9 Easy, Moderate or Long for £3.50 from Londis store, the Library, the King's Arms and the Market Hall
The Golf Club packs have been withdrawn temporarily because the routes through Mawley are blocked and Walk 24 is not passable.
Walks are also available for download directly to your mobile phone via
the Outdooractive website and following these instructions:
With the Outdooractive App downloaded on to smartphone
Create a Outdooractive account with email address and password
In search box enter CMFA and press search
List of walks will be displayed
Select and click required walk
Download Route eg The Mawley Hall Tour then select Route & Map option
Prior to starting the route you are able to view the Waypoints description. These will be displayed as you walk
IMPORTANT to start route as stated in walk route waypoint 1 and follow the direction indicated
Please note that all our walks are now also available on the OSmaps app -(subscription based).
The walks start from Cleobury Mortimer or from easily accessible points in neighbouring parishes
and are displayed on two separate pages.
Please click here for walks that start in the centre of Cleobury Mortimer
or here for walks that start elsewhere in Cleobury Country.
Should you only want walks of a certain length, the following lists may be of help, but you will have to return to either of the above 2 pages to access the walks documents:
This is rural sheep & cattle farming country. You are likely to encounter stiles, especially away from Cleobury. Our lists of walks tell you how many stiles are on each walk. The text description also mentions stiles. If you are in doubt please check both.
14 Easy Walks (45 to 90 minutes)
15 Moderate Walks (1.5 to 2.5 hours)
10 Energetic Walks (2.5 to 3 hours)

When walking in the countryside, please follow the Countryside Code. This link will open an informative leaflet on the code itself and gives plenty of information on the need for control of your dog, respecting the privacy of land owners and other matters.

Look out for these roundels on our walk routes - they are there to re-assure you that you are on the right track!